Melissa Jones, originally from LaGrangeville, NY moved 22 years ago and now lives in Carefree, AZ. She is the wife of Unique Minerals dealer, Evan Jones and daughter-in-law to the late Bob Jones, “What’s Hot in Tucson” host, writer for rock hounding magazines for over 60 years. She is also an organizer of the Women’s Mineral Retreat group for the last 6 years and cooks at a Men’s Shelter in Sunnyslope.

She also has a love for collecting minerals herself she talks about how her favourite ones are the ones she gets to personally collect. “Being out in the field is too fun not to. Exploring, busting rocks, finding crystals, sign me up.” But if she had to pick her favourite it would have to be cuprosklodowskite. She says “It’s a sexy name for a rock lol.” There’s is also a Melissa Mine and a Palermo Mine (her maiden name), but there are no connection to either.

Melissa doesn’t collect as much as she cooks. She’s been cooking for 30 years after going to culinary school in NY and worked as a chef in restaurants and as a personal chef until about 8 years ago. That is why I’ve decided to start the Big Apatite cafe this year at Mineral Nexus. The Big Apatite Café, will be serving lunch daily Jan. 31-Feb. 15 from 11 a.m.-2:30 pm.

We asked Melissa to send us an interesting story to share with all of our friends.

“I actually met my husband through food and minerals. I was the personal chef of Laura Thompson, the late wife of dealer Wayne Thompson. She was in a very specialized diet to try and treat her illness. At the time of her passing, they had a young daughter. I knew Wayne would need help when he went to mineral shows, so I asked him if he wanted me to assist in taking care of her. I went with him to Denver and he introduced me to Evan. We hit it off and the rest is history.”