Ann Fraizer
Ann Frazier is from Berkeley, California. She has spent her life enjoying minerals, books, gem collecting, and travelling. She enjoys Quartz in her collection, her and her husband Si have been collecting quartz, books, etc. since they were married in 1961. Si has passed away and ann truly wishes he was still here to enjoy their hobby together. After graduation from Berkeley (Si in 1960 and Ann in 1961), they spent an entire year travelling around Europe in a 1952 Volkswagon “bug”; they remembered that year as one of the best of their lives. And, of course, they were gathering rocks and minerals along the way (about 7 tons!). Si had by this time convinced Ann that collecting rocks was way more fun than collecting pot shards—and there went the career as an archaeologist; but, as Ann was to discover, collecting those rocks really was fun! Upon returning from Europe, Si enrolled for a master’s degree and began teaching (geology, mineralogy, crystallography, ore geology, and petrography) at San Francisco State University.